$strBzError = 'phpMyAdmin was unable to compress the dump because of a broken Bz2 extension in this php version. It is strongly recommended to set the <code>$cfg[\'BZipDump\']</code> directive in your phpMyAdmin configuration file to <code>FALSE</code>. If you want to use the Bz2 compression features, you should upgrade to a later php version. See php bug report %s for details.';
$strBzip = '"bzip"lenmi■';
$strCannotLogin = 'MySQL server-e gire bilmirem';
$strCantLoadRecodeIconv = 'Charset τevirmeleri ⁿτⁿn laz²m olan iconv ve ya recode uzant²lar²n² yⁿkleye bilmirem; ya php-ni bu uzant²lar² istifade ede bilmesi ⁿτⁿn yeniden qura■d²r²n ya da phpMyAdmin-de charset τevirme xⁿsusiyyetini s÷ndⁿrⁿn.';
$strCantRenameIdxToPrimary = '▌ndeksi Birinci Dereceli (PRIMARY) olaraq yeniden adland²ra bilmirem!';
$strCantUseRecodeIconv = 'Can not use iconv nor libiconv nor recode_string function while extension reports to be loaded. Check your php configuration.';
$strCardinality = 'Cardinality';
$strCentralEuropean = 'Merkezi Avropa';
$strChangeCopyModeCopy = '... k÷hnesini saxla.';
$strChangeCopyModeDeleteAndReload = ' ... istifadeτi cedvellerinden k÷hnesini sil ve ard²ndan selahiyyetleri yeniden yⁿkle.';
$strChangeCopyMode = 'Eyni selahiyyetlere sahib yeni istifadeτi qur ve ...';
$strConfigFileError = 'phpMyAdmin konfiqurasiya fayl²n²z² oxuya bilmedi!<br />Bunun sebebi fayldak² parse error ya da fayl²n m÷vcud olmamas² ola biler.<br />Xahi■ edirem a■a≡²dak² link-i istifade ederek konfiqurasiya fayl²n² τa≡²r²n ve ald²≡²n²z php xeta mesaj(lar)²n² oxuyun. Bir τox halda ya tek d²rnaq ya da n÷qteli vergⁿl eksikliyi vard²r.<br />Eger bo■ sehife ile qar■²la■san²z, demek ki, her ■ey qaydas²ndad²r.';
$strDatabasesStatsHeavyTraffic = 'Qeyd: Me\'lumat Bazas² statistikalar²n² burada aktivle■dirmekle webserver-le MySQL server aras²nda a≡²r neqliyyata sebeb ola bilersiniz.';
$strDefaultEngine = '%s bu MySQL serverinde esas depolama motoru olaraq qurulmu■dur.';
$strDefaultValueHelp = 'Ba■lan≡²c deyer girerken, sadece deyeri girin, ters kesr escape-leme ya da d²rnaqdan istifade etmeyin, bu format² te\'qib edin: a';
$strDeleteAndFlush = 'Bⁿtⁿn istifadeτileri sil ve ard²ndan selahiyyetleri yeniden yⁿkle.';
$strDeleteAndFlushDescr = 'Bu en temiz yoldur, amma selahiyyetlerin yeniden yⁿklenmesi zaman teleb ede biler.';
$strDeletedRows = 'Silinen setir say²:';
$strDeleted = 'Setir silindi';
$strDelete = 'Sil';
$strDeleting = '%s silinir';
$strDelOld = 'Hal-haz²rki sehifen art²q m÷vcud olmayan Cedvellere ba≡l²d²r. Bu elaqelerin silinmesini istermisiniz?';
$strFlushPrivilegesNote = 'Qeyd: phpMyAdmin istifadeτi selahiyyetlerini birba■a MySQL-in selahiyyetler cedvellerinden almaqdad²r. Eger elle nizamlamalar edilmi■se, bu cedvellerin iτerisindekiler webserver-in istifade etdiklerinden ferqli ola biler. Bu halda, davam etmeden evvel, selahiyyetleri yeniden yⁿklemelisiniz.';
$strInsecureMySQL = 'Konfiqurasiya fayl²n²zda MySQL ba■lan≡²c deyerleri (parolsuz root istifadeτisi) m÷vcuddur ki, bu da tehlⁿkesizlik n÷qteyi nezerinden e\'tibarl² deyildir.';
$strInsertAsNewRow = 'Yeni setir olaraq elave et';
$strInsertedRowId = 'Elave edilen setir n÷mresi (id):';
$strMIME_transformation_note = 'For a list of available transformation options and their MIME-type transformations, click on %stransformation descriptions%s';
$strMIME_transformation_options_note = 'Please enter the values for transformation options using this format: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />If you ever need to put a backslash ("\") or a single quote ("\'") amongst those values, backslashes it (for example \'\\\\xyz\' or \'a\\\'b\').';
$strPrivDescDropDb = 'Baza ve cedvel le≡v etmeye icaze verir.';
$strPrivDescDropTbl = 'Cedvelleri le≡v etmeye icaze verir.';
$strPrivDescExecute = 'Allows running stored procedures; Has no effect in this MySQL version.';
$strPrivDescFile = 'Allows importing data from and exporting data into files.';
$strPrivDescGrant = 'Allows adding users and privileges without reloading the privilege tables.';
$strPrivDescIndex = 'Allows creating and dropping indexes.';
$strPrivDescInsert = 'Allows inserting and replacing data.';
$strPrivDescLockTables = 'Allows locking tables for the current thread.';
$strPrivDescMaxConnections = 'Limits the number of new connections the user may open per hour.';
$strPrivDescMaxQuestions = 'Limits the number of queries the user may send to the server per hour.';
$strPrivDescMaxUpdates = 'Limits the number of commands that change any table or database the user may execute per hour.';
$strPrivDescProcess3 = 'Allows killing processes of other users.';
$strPrivDescProcess4 = 'Allows viewing the complete queries in the process list.';
$strPrivDescReferences = 'Has no effect in this MySQL version.';
$strPrivDescReload = 'Allows reloading server settings and flushing the server\'s caches.';
$strPrivDescReplClient = 'Gives the right to the user to ask where the slaves / masters are.';
$strPrivDescReplSlave = 'Needed for the replication slaves.';
$strPrivDescSelect = 'Allows reading data.';
$strPrivDescShowDb = 'Gives access to the complete list of databases.';
$strPrivDescShutdown = 'Allows shutting down the server.';
$strPrivDescSuper = 'Allows connecting, even if maximum number of connections is reached; Required for most administrative operations like setting global variables or killing threads of other users.';
$strServerStatusUptime = 'Bu MySQL server %sdir i■lemektedir. Server %s-de aτ²lm²■d²r.';
$strServerTabProcesslist = 'Prosesler';
$strServerTabVariables = 'Deyi■enler';
$strServerTrafficNotes = '<b>Server Neqliyyat²</b>: Bu cedveller serverin aτ²l²■²ndan beri elde edilen me\'lumat ax²■² miqdar²n² g÷stermektedir.';
$strServerVars = 'Server Deyi■enleri Ve Variantlar²';
$strServerVersion = 'Server versiyas²';
$strSessionValue = 'Sessiya deyeri';
$strSetEnumVal = 'Sahe tipi "enum" ve ya "set" ise, deyerleri bu formatda girin: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />Eger bu deyerlerde ters-kesr ("\") ve ya tek d²rnaq ("\'") istifade etmek isteyirsinizse, onlar² ters-kesrle escape-leyin (meselen \'\\\\xyz\' ve ya \'a\\\'b\').';
$strShowAll = 'Ham²s²n² g÷ster';
$strShowColor = 'Rengini g÷ster';
$strShowDatadictAs = 'Data Dictionary Format';
$strShowFullQueries = 'Emrleri Tam Olaraq G÷ster';
$strShowThisQuery = ' Bu sor≡unu burada yene g÷ster ';
$strSingly = '(tek-tek)';
$strSize = 'Boy';
$strSort = 'S²rala';
$strSpaceUsage = 'Yer istifadesi';
$strSplitWordsWithSpace = 'S÷zler bo■luq ifadesi (" ") ile ayr²lm²■d²r.';
$strSQLExportType = 'Eksport ■ekli';
$strSQLOptions = 'SQL variantlar²';
$strSQLParserBugMessage = 'There is a chance that you may have found a bug in the SQL parser. Please examine your query closely, and check that the quotes are correct and not mis-matched. Other possible failure causes may be that you are uploading a file with binary outside of a quoted text area. You can also try your query on the MySQL command line interface. The MySQL server error output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the problem. If you still have problems or if the parser fails where the command line interface succeeds, please reduce your SQL query input to the single query that causes problems, and submit a bug report with the data chunk in the CUT section below:';
$strSQLParserUserError = 'There seems to be an error in your SQL query. The MySQL server error output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the problem';
$strTransformation_text_plain__dateformat = 'Takes a TIME, TIMESTAMP or DATETIME field and formats it using your local dateformat. First option is the offset (in hours) which will be added to the timestamp (Default: 0). Second option is a different dateformat according to the parameters available for PHPs strftime().';
$strTransformation_text_plain__external = 'LINUX ONLY: Launches an external application and feeds the fielddata via standard input. Returns standard output of the application. Default is Tidy, to pretty print HTML code. For security reasons, you have to manually edit the file libraries/transformations/text_plain__external.inc.php and insert the tools you allow to be run. The first option is then the number of the program you want to use and the second option are the parameters for the program. The third parameter, if set to 1 will convert the output using htmlspecialchars() (Default is 1). A fourth parameter, if set to 1 will put a NOWRAP to the content cell so that the whole output will be shown without reformatting (Default 1)';
$strTransformation_text_plain__formatted = 'Preserves original formatting of the field. No Escaping is done.';
$strTransformation_text_plain__imagelink = 'Displays an image and a link, the field contains the filename; first option is a prefix like "http://domain.com/", second option is the width in pixels, third is the height.';
$strTransformation_text_plain__link = 'Displays a link, the field contains the filename; first option is a prefix like "http://domain.com/", second option is a title for the link.';
$strTransformation_text_plain__substr = 'Only shows part of a string. First option is an offset to define where the output of your text starts (Default 0). Second option is an offset how much text is returned. If empty, returns all the remaining text. The third option defines which chars will be appended to the output when a substring is returned (Default: ...) .';
$strTruncateQueries = 'Truncate Shown Queries';
$strTurkish = 'Tⁿrk Dili';
$strType = 'Tip';
$strUkrainian = 'Ukrayna Dili';
$strUncheckAll = 'Heτ Birini Seτme';
$strUnique = 'Unikal';
$strUnselectAll = 'Heτ birini seτme';
$strUpdatePrivMessage = 'You have updated the privileges for %s.';
$strUpdateProfileMessage = 'Profil yenilendi.';
$strUpdateQuery = 'Sor≡unu Yenile';
$strUpdComTab = 'Please see Documentation on how to update your Column_comments Table';
$strUsage = 'Miqdar';
$strUseBackquotes = 'Cedvel ve sahe adlar²n² tek d²rnaq aras²na al';
$strUserNotFound = 'The selected user was not found in the privilege table.';
$strUserOverview = 'User overview';
$strUsersDeleted = 'The selected users have been deleted successfully.';
$strUsersHavingAccessToDb = 'Users having access to "%s"';
$strUser = '▌stifadeτi';
$strUseTables = 'Use Tables';
$strUseTextField = 'Use text field';
$strValidateSQL = 'SQL Tesdiqle';
$strValidatorError = 'The SQL validator could not be initialized. Please check if you have installed the necessary php extensions as described in the %sdocumentation%s.';
$strAccessDeniedExplanation = 'phpMyAdmin tried to connect to the MySQL server, and the server rejected the connection. You should check the host, username and password in config.inc.php and make sure that they correspond to the information given by the administrator of the MySQL server.'; //to translate
$strLatexContent = 'Content of table __TABLE__';//to translate
$strLatexStructure = 'Structure of table __TABLE__';//to translate
$strLatvian = 'Latvian'; //to translate
$strLogServer = 'Server'; //to translate
$strLongOperation = 'This operation could be long. Proceed anyway?'; //to translate
$strMbExtensionMissing = 'The mbstring PHP extension was not found and you seem to be using multibyte charset. Without mbstring extension phpMyAdmin is unable to split strings correctly and it may result in unexpected results.'; //to translate
$strMbOverloadWarning = 'You have enabled mbstring.func_overload in your PHP configuration. This option is incompatible with phpMyAdmin and might cause breaking of some data!'; //to translate
$strMIMETypesForTable = 'MIME TYPES FOR TABLE'; //to translate
$strMyISAMDataPointerSizeDesc = 'The default pointer size in bytes, to be used by CREATE TABLE for MyISAM tables when no MAX_ROWS option is specified.'; //to translate
$strMyISAMMaxExtraSortFileSizeDesc = 'If the temporary file used for fast MyISAM index creation would be larger than using the key cache by the amount specified here, prefer the key cache method.'; //to translate
$strMyISAMMaxSortFileSizeDesc = 'The maximum size of the temporary file MySQL is allowed to use while re-creating a MyISAM index (during REPAIR TABLE, ALTER TABLE, or LOAD DATA INFILE).'; //to translate
$strMyISAMRecoverOptionsDesc = 'The mode for automatic recovery of crashed MyISAM tables, as set via the --myisam-recover server startup option.'; //to translate
$strMyISAMRepairThreadsDesc = 'If this value is greater than 1, MyISAM table indexes are created in parallel (each index in its own thread) during the Repair by sorting process.'; //to translate
$strMyISAMSortBufferSizeDesc = 'The buffer that is allocated when sorting MyISAM indexes during a REPAIR TABLE or when creating indexes with CREATE INDEX or ALTER TABLE.'; //to translate
$strTransformation_application_octetstream__download = 'Display a link to download the binary data of a field. First option is the filename of the binary file. Second option is a possible fieldname of a table row containing the filename. If you provide a second option you need to have the first option set to an empty string'; //to translate
$strTransformation_application_octetstream__hex = 'Displays hexadecimal representation of data.'; //to translate
$strUnicode = 'Unicode'; //to translate
$strUnknown = 'unknown'; //to translate
$strUpgrade = 'You should upgrade to %s %s or later.'; //to translate
$strUseTabKey = 'TAB dⁿymesine basaraq bir sonrak² deyere, ve ya CTRL+Ox kombinasiyas²n² istifade ederek istediyiniz y÷ne keτe bilersiniz.'; //to translate
$strUseThisValue = 'Use this value'; //to translate
$strViewHasBeenDropped = 'View %s has been dropped'; //to translate
$strView = 'View'; //to translate
$strWindowNotFound = 'The target browser window could not be updated. Maybe you have closed the parent window or your browser is blocking cross-window updates of your security settings'; //to translate
$strAllowInterrupt = 'Allow interrupt of import in case script detects it is close to time limit. This might be good way to import large files, however it can break transactions.'; //to translate
$strTimeoutPassed = 'Script timeout passed, if you want to finish import, please resubmit same file and import will resume.'; //to translate
$strTimeoutNothingParsed = 'However on last run no data has been parsed, this usually means phpMyAdmin won\'t be able to finish this import unless you increase php time limits.'; //to translate
$strTimeoutInfo = 'Previous import timed out, after resubmitting will continue from position %d.'; //to translate
$strUnsupportedCompressionDetected = 'You attempted to load file with unsupported compression (%s). Either support for it is not implemented or disabled by your configuration.'; //to translate
$strNothingToImport = 'You didn\'t enter any data to import!'; //to translate
$strShowStatusBinlog_cache_disk_useDescr = 'The number of transactions that used the temporary binary log cache but that exceeded the value of binlog_cache_size and used a temporary file to store statements from the transaction.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusBinlog_cache_useDescr = 'The number of transactions that used the temporary binary log cache.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusCreated_tmp_disk_tablesDescr = 'The number of temporary tables on disk created automatically by the server while executing statements. If Created_tmp_disk_tables is big, you may want to increase the tmp_table_size value to cause temporary tables to be memory-based instead of disk-based.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusCreated_tmp_filesDescr = 'How many temporary files mysqld has created.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusCreated_tmp_tablesDescr = 'The number of in-memory temporary tables created automatically by the server while executing statements.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusDelayed_errorsDescr = 'The number of rows written with INSERT DELAYED for which some error occurred (probably duplicate key).'; //to translate
$strShowStatusDelayed_insert_threadsDescr = 'The number of INSERT DELAYED handler threads in use. Every different table on which one uses INSERT DELAYED gets its own thread.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusDelayed_writesDescr = 'The number of INSERT DELAYED rows written.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusFlush_commandsDescr = 'The number of executed FLUSH statements.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusHandler_commitDescr = 'The number of internal COMMIT statements.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusHandler_deleteDescr = 'The number of times a row was deleted from a table.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusHandler_discoverDescr = 'The MySQL server can ask the NDB Cluster storage engine if it knows about a table with a given name. This is called discovery. Handler_discover indicates the number of time tables have been discovered.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusHandler_read_firstDescr = 'The number of times the first entry was read from an index. If this is high, it suggests that the server is doing a lot of full index scans; for example, SELECT col1 FROM foo, assuming that col1 is indexed.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusHandler_read_keyDescr = 'The number of requests to read a row based on a key. If this is high, it is a good indication that your queries and tables are properly indexed.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusHandler_read_nextDescr = 'The number of requests to read the next row in key order. This is incremented if you are querying an index column with a range constraint or if you are doing an index scan.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusHandler_read_prevDescr = 'The number of requests to read the previous row in key order. This read method is mainly used to optimize ORDER BY ... DESC.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusHandler_read_rndDescr = 'The number of requests to read a row based on a fixed position. This is high if you are doing a lot of queries that require sorting of the result. You probably have a lot of queries that require MySQL to scan whole tables or you have joins that don\'t use keys properly.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusHandler_read_rnd_nextDescr = 'The number of requests to read the next row in the data file. This is high if you are doing a lot of table scans. Generally this suggests that your tables are not properly indexed or that your queries are not written to take advantage of the indexes you have.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusHandler_rollbackDescr = 'The number of internal ROLLBACK statements.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusHandler_updateDescr = 'The number of requests to update a row in a table.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusHandler_writeDescr = 'The number of requests to insert a row in a table.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_pages_dataDescr = 'The number of pages containing data (dirty or clean).'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirtyDescr = 'The number of pages currently dirty.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushedDescr = 'The number of buffer pool pages that have been requested to be flushed.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_pages_freeDescr = 'The number of free pages.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_pages_latchedDescr = 'The number of latched pages in InnoDB buffer pool. These are pages currently being read or written or that can\'t be flushed or removed for some other reason.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_pages_miscDescr = 'The number of pages busy because they have been allocated for administrative overhead such as row locks or the adaptive hash index. This value can also be calculated as Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total - Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free - Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_pages_totalDescr = 'Total size of buffer pool, in pages.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_rndDescr = 'The number of "random" read-aheads InnoDB initiated. This happens when a query is to scan a large portion of a table but in random order.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_seqDescr = 'The number of sequential read-aheads InnoDB initiated. This happens when InnoDB does a sequential full table scan.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_read_requestsDescr = 'The number of logical read requests InnoDB has done.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_readsDescr = 'The number of logical reads that InnoDB could not satisfy from buffer pool and had to do a single-page read.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_wait_freeDescr = 'Normally, writes to the InnoDB buffer pool happen in the background. However, if it\'s necessary to read or create a page and no clean pages are available, it\'s necessary to wait for pages to be flushed first. This counter counts instances of these waits. If the buffer pool size was set properly, this value should be small.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_buffer_pool_write_requestsDescr = 'The number writes done to the InnoDB buffer pool.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_data_fsyncsDescr = 'The number of fsync() operations so far.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_data_pending_fsyncsDescr = 'The current number of pending fsync() operations.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_data_pending_readsDescr = 'The current number of pending reads.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_data_pending_writesDescr = 'The current number of pending writes.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_data_readDescr = 'The amount of data read so far, in bytes.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_data_readsDescr = 'The total number of data reads.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_data_writesDescr = 'The total number of data writes.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_data_writtenDescr = 'The amount of data written so far, in bytes.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_dblwr_pages_writtenDescr = 'The number of doublewrite writes that have been performed and the number of pages that have been written for this purpose.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_dblwr_writesDescr = 'The number of doublewrite writes that have been performed and the number of pages that have been written for this purpose.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_log_waitsDescr = 'The number of waits we had because log buffer was too small and we had to wait for it to be flushed before continuing.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_log_write_requestsDescr = 'The number of log write requests.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_log_writesDescr = 'The number of physical writes to the log file.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_os_log_fsyncsDescr = 'The number of fsyncs writes done to the log file.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_os_log_pending_fsyncsDescr = 'The number of pending log file fsyncs.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_os_log_writtenDescr = 'The number of bytes written to the log file.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_page_sizeDescr = 'The compiled-in InnoDB page size (default 16KB). Many values are counted in pages; the page size allows them to be easily converted to bytes.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_pages_createdDescr = 'The number of pages created.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_pages_readDescr = 'The number of pages read.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_pages_writtenDescr = 'The number of pages written.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_row_lock_current_waitsDescr = 'The number of row locks currently being waited for.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_row_lock_timeDescr = 'The total time spent in acquiring row locks, in milliseconds.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_row_lock_time_avgDescr = 'The average time to acquire a row lock, in milliseconds.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_row_lock_time_maxDescr = 'The maximum time to acquire a row lock, in milliseconds.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_row_lock_waitsDescr = 'The number of times a row lock had to be waited for.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_rows_deletedDescr = 'The number of rows deleted from InnoDB tables.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_rows_insertedDescr = 'The number of rows inserted in InnoDB tables.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_rows_readDescr = 'The number of rows read from InnoDB tables.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusInnodb_rows_updatedDescr = 'The number of rows updated in InnoDB tables.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusKey_blocks_not_flushedDescr = 'The number of key blocks in the key cache that have changed but haven\'t yet been flushed to disk. It used to be known as Not_flushed_key_blocks.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusKey_blocks_unusedDescr = 'The number of unused blocks in the key cache. You can use this value to determine how much of the key cache is in use.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusKey_blocks_usedDescr = 'The number of used blocks in the key cache. This value is a high-water mark that indicates the maximum number of blocks that have ever been in use at one time.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusKey_read_requestsDescr = 'The number of requests to read a key block from the cache.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusKey_readsDescr = 'The number of physical reads of a key block from disk. If Key_reads is big, then your key_buffer_size value is probably too small. The cache miss rate can be calculated as Key_reads/Key_read_requests.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusKey_write_requestsDescr = 'The number of requests to write a key block to the cache.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusKey_writesDescr = 'The number of physical writes of a key block to disk.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusLast_query_costDescr = 'The total cost of the last compiled query as computed by the query optimizer. Useful for comparing the cost of different query plans for the same query. The default value of 0 means that no query has been compiled yet.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusNot_flushed_delayed_rowsDescr = 'The number of rows waiting to be written in INSERT DELAY queues.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusOpen_filesDescr = 'The number of files that are open.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusOpen_streamsDescr = 'The number of streams that are open (used mainly for logging).'; //to translate
$strShowStatusOpen_tablesDescr = 'The number of tables that are open.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusOpened_tablesDescr = 'The number of tables that have been opened. If opened tables is big, your table cache value is probably too small.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusQcache_free_blocksDescr = 'The number of free memory blocks in query cache.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusQcache_free_memoryDescr = 'The amount of free memory for query cache.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusQcache_hitsDescr = 'The number of cache hits.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusQcache_insertsDescr = 'The number of queries added to the cache.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusQcache_lowmem_prunesDescr = 'The number of queries that have been removed from the cache to free up memory for caching new queries. This information can help you tune the query cache size. The query cache uses a least recently used (LRU) strategy to decide which queries to remove from the cache.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusQcache_not_cachedDescr = 'The number of non-cached queries (not cachable, or not cached due to the query_cache_type setting).'; //to translate
$strShowStatusQcache_queries_in_cacheDescr = 'The number of queries registered in the cache.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusQcache_total_blocksDescr = 'The total number of blocks in the query cache.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusRpl_statusDescr = 'The status of failsafe replication (not yet implemented).'; //to translate
$strShowStatusSelect_full_joinDescr = 'The number of joins that do not use indexes. If this value is not 0, you should carefully check the indexes of your tables.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusSelect_full_range_joinDescr = 'The number of joins that used a range search on a reference table.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusSelect_rangeDescr = 'The number of joins that used ranges on the first table. (It\'s normally not critical even if this is big.)'; //to translate
$strShowStatusSelect_range_checkDescr = 'The number of joins without keys that check for key usage after each row. (If this is not 0, you should carefully check the indexes of your tables.)'; //to translate
$strShowStatusSelect_scanDescr = 'The number of joins that did a full scan of the first table.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusSlave_open_temp_tablesDescr = 'The number of temporary tables currently open by the slave SQL thread.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusSlave_retried_transactionsDescr = 'Total (since startup) number of times the replication slave SQL thread has retried transactions.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusSlave_runningDescr = 'This is ON if this server is a slave that is connected to a master.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusSlow_launch_threadsDescr = 'The number of threads that have taken more than slow_launch_time seconds to create.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusSlow_queriesDescr = 'The number of queries that have taken more than long_query_time seconds.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusSort_merge_passesDescr = 'The number of merge passes the sort algorithm has had to do. If this value is large, you should consider increasing the value of the sort_buffer_size system variable.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusSort_rangeDescr = 'The number of sorts that were done with ranges.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusSort_rowsDescr = 'The number of sorted rows.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusSort_scanDescr = 'The number of sorts that were done by scanning the table.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusTable_locks_immediateDescr = 'The number of times that a table lock was acquired immediately.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusTable_locks_waitedDescr = 'The number of times that a table lock could not be acquired immediately and a wait was needed. If this is high, and you have performance problems, you should first optimize your queries, and then either split your table or tables or use replication.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusThreads_cachedDescr = 'The number of threads in the thread cache. The cache hit rate can be calculated as Threads_created/Connections. If this value is red you should raise your thread_cache_size.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusThreads_connectedDescr = 'The number of currently open connections.'; //to translate
$strShowStatusThreads_createdDescr = 'The number of threads created to handle connections. If Threads_created is big, you may want to increase the thread_cache_size value. (Normally this doesn\'t give a notable performance improvement if you have a good thread implementation.)'; //to translate
$strShowStatusThreads_runningDescr = 'The number of threads that are not sleeping.'; //to translate
$strSorting = 'Sorting'; //to translate
$strTempData = 'Temporary data'; //to translate
$strThreads = 'Threads'; //to translate
$strLDI = 'CSV using LOAD DATA'; //to translate
$strLDILocal = 'Use LOCAL keyword'; //to translate
$strLDIImportOptions = 'Options for CSV import using LOAD DATA'; //to translate
$strInvalidLDIImport = 'This plugin does not support compressed imports!'; //to translate
$strFileNameTemplateDescription = 'This value is interpreted using %1$sstrftime%2$s, so you can use time formatting strings. Additionally the following transformations will happen: %3$s. Other text will be kept as is.'; //to translate
$strThemePathNotFound = 'Theme path not found for theme %s!'; //to translate
$strAccessDeniedCreateConfig = 'Probably reason of this is that you did not create configuration file. You might want to use %1$ssetup script%2$s to create one.'; //to translate
$strStatisticsOverrun = 'On a busy server, the byte counters may overrun, so those statistics as reported by the MySQL server may be incorrect.'; //to translate
$strViewMaxExactCount = 'This view has more than %s rows. Please refer to %sdocumentation%s.'; //to translate